Sunday, September 12, 2010

Week 3: Clear/Ergonomics in the Workplace

I feel that ergonomics is an important subject to discuss because of the day and age that we currently live in.  We as a society depend on computers now more than we ever have before, from large enterprises to small businesses and home offices.  I believe that it is important for people to be educated on the practice of safety in the workplace, with regard to computers.

The actual definition of ergonomics is explained as the science of fitting workplace conditions and job demands to the capabilities of the working population.  Basically what that translates into is the process of making a particular work environment as safe and comfortable as possible.  This ranges from the comfort of your chair, to the position of your computer.  These may seem like mundane things, but can significantly effect an individuals health in the long run.  Some examples of ergonomic risk factors are found in jobs requiring repetitive, forceful, or prolonged exertions of the hands, frequent or heavy lifting, or pushing and/or carrying heavy objects.  The failure to recognize and address these risk factors can lead to serious health issues.

The picture below demonstrates all of the proper ergonomic practices that lead to a safe work environment.

The level of risk depends on the intensity, frequency, and duration of the exposure to these conditions and the individuals' capacity to meet the force of other job demands that might be involved.  If these simple steps are followed, it will ensure that the individual maintains the safest work environment possible.   However, if these rules are ignored, the consequences could lead to problems as serious as musculoskeletal disorders.   

Ergonomics is a topic that is becoming more widely discussed not only in the business environment, but in the home as well.  The amount of time that people spend in front of their computers is increasing as our society continues to advance in this technological age.  It is important for each individual to educate him/herself on this matter... sooner rather than later!

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